Nutrient Dynamics of Planted Forests

De 27/11/2012 hasta 28/11/2012

This IUFRO symposium is intended to provide a forum for exchange of ideas related to principles of nutrition in nursery seedlings and juvenile forest trees. Emphasis will be placed on the development of effective and environmentally sound technologies to optimize seedling quality and promote reforestation and forest restoration operations. The first day will focus on Nutrition in the Nursery and at Field Establishment and the second day will focus on Juvenile Stand Nutrition. The program is aimed toward an international audience of nursery and forest practitioners, scientists, and educators. Presentations will be of excellent scientific quality while also providing new, useful information which can be readily and widely applied to nursery and forest practices. Selected authors will be invited to prepare a paper for the symposium proceedings to be published in a special issue of the international journal, New Forests.

Forestales Sin Fronteras - PROFOR

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