
European bioenergy outlook 2013

Statistics are essential to follow market trends, build up strategies and support policy making. AEBIOM fully understands this concern and publishes now its fifth annual statistical bioenergy outlook, still free of charge for anybody.

Data collection is still challenging. Rules followed by Eurostat are not obvious to understand for non initiated people and same questions are coming up all the time: How much and what kind of biomass is used in the heat sector? What is the percentage of electricity used for heating purposes?

Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for 2020

The Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP) was set up in 2005 to define a vision for the future of the sector and identify priority areas for innovation and research. It is one of 36 recognised European Technology Platforms (ETPs), established as industry-led initiatives encouraged by the European Commission to define research objectives and roadmaps for delivering the agreed goals.

The Condition of Forests in Europe

I am very proud to be able to introduce to you The Condition of Forests in Europe: 2012 Executive Report of the International Co-operative Programme on the Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests). Poland hosted the Programme's Task Force Meeting in 2012 and has operated the forest monitoring programme since 1989.

Managing Forest Resources for Sustainable Development. An Evaluation of World Bank Group Experience




Management response.

Management action record.

Chairperson's summary: Committee on development effectiveness.

  1. The state of the world's forests and the world bank group response.
  2. World bank implementation of the 2002 forest strategy.
  3. IFC and MIGA's implementation of the 2002 forest strategy.
  4. World bank group global partnerships and institutional collaboration.
  5. Conclusions and recommendations.



Human dimensions of adaptive forest management

This study draws on international experience with adaptive management to consider lessons for woodland management in the UK.

Adaptive management is a systematic approach to learning from innovative resource management. Many of the challenges for implementation are social, particularly communication and decision-making among diverse stakeholders, and change to organisational learning culture.

Historia del cuerpo de ingenieros de montes 1853-2010

En el presente año, 2010, se produce la jubilación en el Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Montes de los tres últimos miembros que proceden de la antigua Escuela Especial de Ingenieros de Montes, es decir que ingresaron en la Escuela con derecho a ingresar en el Cuerpo. Se cierra, por tanto, el ciclo iniciado en 1852, año en que salió de la Escuela la primera promoción de Ingenieros de Montes.

Compte rendu du Conseil d'administration de Pro-Populus

  1. Ouverteru de la réunion.
  2. Approbation du compte rendu de la réunion du Conseil du 6 décembre 2012.
  3. Document de référence relatif au peuplier.
  4. Site Internet.
  5. Assemblée générale 2014.
  6. Tour de table sur la situation dans les diiférents pays.
  7. Définition de priorités européennes communes.
  8. Divers.
  9. Planification des futures réunions.

Como mejorar el aprovechamiento forestal en Galicia. Informe para la Xunta de Galicia

Presentar las conclusiones del trabajo
• Análisis de las principales barreras que dificultan un mayor desarrollo del sector forestal en
• Resumen y cuantificación de 10 medidas para impulsar el sector
All rights reserved.
Detallar las principales iniciativas identificadas
• Descripción general, impacto y grado de viabilidad

Climate Adaptation, Seizing the Challenge

4 Summary of Key Findings.
5 Introduction.
6 Chapter 1: Sizing the Resilience Challenge.
12 Chapter 2: Economics of Climate Adaptation.
16 Chapter 3: Financing Adaptation.
24 Chapter 4: The Effects of Climate Change on the
Water-Food-Energy Nexus.
28 Conclusion.
29 Contributors and Acknowledgements.
30 Appendices.
31 A. Glossary of Terms.
32 B. Adaptation Finance Document Library.
35 C. Additional Adaptation Finance Case Studies.
38 D. References.
